Monster Kid Mailbag #1


Monster Kid Hotline and listener questionsReviews and new patronsWhat We've Been Up ToCount Chocula mini reviewTrivia

  • Name a movie based on an urban legend.
  • Name a body horror film.
  • Name a horror film which takes place in England.
  • Name a horror film which features a priest or other holy man or woman.

[ms_divider style="shadow" align="center" width="100%" margin_top="30" margin_bottom="30" border_size="5" border_color="#f2f2f2" icon="" class="" id=""][/ms_divider][ms_heading style="none" color="#c10606" border_color="" text_align="left" font_weight="400" font_size="36" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="0" border_width="5" responsive_text="no" class="" id=""]Show Info:[/ms_heading]Music for Test Pattern is “Dance of Deception” by Kevin McLeod and is licensed under Creative Commons. For more, go to can also follow Tab @horrorflicktab and Jacob @banedrom .[ms_divider style="shadow" align="center" width="100%" margin_top="30" margin_bottom="30" border_size="5" border_color="#f2f2f2" icon="" class="" id=""][/ms_divider][ms_heading style="none" color="c10606" border_color="" text_align="center" font_weight="400" font_size="36" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="0" border_width="5" responsive_text="no" class="" id=""]Listen to the Episode!


Episode 61: Dick Smith - The Exorcist (1973) & The Sentinel (1977)


Episode 60: Ghostly Missions - The Sixth Sense and Stir of Echoes